Hotels in various places in Czech Republic
Carefully selected hotels in South and Central Bohemia and South Moravia with exceptional value/price ratio.
Interacta Travel
Recommended hotels and apartments
Double Standard80 €
Třeboň, Jižní Čechy
Double Blue83 €
Valtice, Jižní Morava
Double Standard102 €
Mikulov, Jižní Morava
Double85 €
Lednice, Jižní Morava
České Budějovice, Jižní Čechy
Špindlerův mlýn, Krkonoše
Jižní Čechy u Čes.Krumlova
Why book with us
No cancellation fee
No cancellation fee until 48 hours before scheduled
arrival (n/a for groups).
No payment in advance
You will pay after your arrival to the hotel.
Swift reply from our operators
Write us and we call
you back
as soon as posible.

Lower prices
Our prices are often lower than directly
with the hotel and never higher!
Comprehensive descriptions
We have visited and checked all hotels.
Local company with long tradition
on Czech market. You will benefit from our expertise.
Testimonials on TripAdvisor
"I booked through Interacta travel and they were very reliable, friendly and quick to respond to any queries I had. I will definitely go through them again...."